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European Electricity Market Model

encoord’s Model-Ready Datasets provide reliable and accurate data to confidently plan for the future of energy.

European Electricity Market Model Overview

46 European electricity market bidding zones from 35 countries.

88 transmission connections between bidding zones.

2482 generators separated into 18 production types, including nuclear, natural gas, coal, other thermal sources, hydropower (run-of-river and reservoir), wind (onshore and offshore), and solar.

Hourly profiles of electricity demand, net transmission capacity between bidding zones, wind and solar generation, and fuel prices. Includes individual generator outages.

Data sources: ENTSO-E and individual TSO consultations.

Most recent update: September 2023

MRD Europe Screen


Production cost modeling of the European electricity market

Evaluation of investment impacts on costs, prices, reliability, and emissions

Evaluation of storage technologies and demand flexibility

Renewable integration studies

Evaluation of ancillary service impacts

Evaluation of cross-border transmission investment

Forecasting of day-ahead electricity prices

Models are only as good as the data.

Public data can be painful to collect and difficult to align with models. Current industry datasets are costly to purchase and often lack the level of detail and information required to build a complete model.

encoord’s Model-Ready Datasets are high-quality, expertly cleaned, and processed datasets ready for use in the SAInt software platform. These Model-Ready Datasets are used by our team and our customers and tested with a rigorous verification process to ensure accurate and reliable results for your energy planning needs.

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