Model electricity and other energy markets.

Coupled Electricity and Gas Network Modeling
Model the synergies and interdependencies between electricity, gas, and thermal networks.

Combined modeling
Model coupled electricity and gas networks by running power flow simulations combined with gas hydraulic simulations.
Coupling assets
Plan the location and operation of assets at the interface between electricity and gas networks. These include gas-fired power plants, power-to-gas facilities, electric-driven compressor stations, underground gas storages, and LNG regasification terminals.
Coordinated planning and operation
Plan coupled electricity and gas networks by coordinating planning decisions and by evaluating coordinated controls.

Plan for decarbonization
Understand the flexibility and storage opportunities at the interface between electricity and gas networks. Analyze how a tighter coupling between them may support the transition to a decarbonized energy system.
Plan for resiliency
Quantify the correlated impact of extreme events on coupled electricity and gas transmission networks. Plan coordinated mitigation strategies.
Plan for hydrogen
Model the impact of electroyzers on electricity and gas networks. Plan their location, sizing, and operation.

Other ways SAInt can help you...

Electricity Network Modeling
Model electricity transmission and distribution networks.

Gas Network Modeling
Model gas pipeline transmission and distribution networks.

Thermal Network Modeling
Heating and cooling networks create their own unique challenges

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