Plan the integration and coordination of energy systems, including electricity, gas, and thermal networks.

Plan for Thermal Networks
Heating and cooling demands are large and represent potential sources of flexibility. How do you plan the future of thermal networks?
The challenges the industry is facing
Increasing cooling demands
Energy planners must keep up with the demand for new cooling services.
Electrification of district heating
Independent planning solutions do not fully capture the interface between electricity and thermal networks.
Thermal network expansion
Additional customers can only be served when added in batches and must be planned carefully.
Thermal energy storage technologies
Differences and complementarities between storage technologies must be considered for proper planning.
Low-temperature heat
The waste of industrial processes and renewable heat need to be considered.

How encoord provides the solution
The Scenario Analysis Interface for Energy Systems (SAInt) is a software platform designed to model integrated energy networks and markets.
Model thermal networks for heating and cooling.
encoord provides advisory, training, data, and support services to help you implement SAInt and better plan for the energy future.
See how to plan for...

New technologies, requirements, and demands in electricity are changing the world. A better planning solution is needed.

The future of gas is uncertain and effective planning will be necessary to understand and enhance the role of gas infrastructure in the energy transition.

Hydrogen Integration
Alternative fuels cause their own mix of challenges. How do you plan for greener fuels?

Renewable and Storage Integration
Renewable generation and storage technologies can cause as many problems as they solve. Careful scenario planning is required to quantify and minimize risk.