The electrification of gas customers creates a host of challenges spanning from planning to implementation. What are the costs and benefits? What regulations or incentives are in place? Do we have sufficient data to start planning? Is that data in one database? Will our current power infrastructure handle electrification? How do we effectively decommission gas pipelines without disrupting service quality for other customers on the network? Which customers should we electrify first? How do we ensure equitable handling of electrification?

Use Case: The Challenges of Electrifying Gas Customers
SAInt is a foundational planning tool for companies who must solve the many challenges and obstacles associated with the planning and implementation of gas customer electrification.

We must plan the electrification of our gas customers. Where do we start?

A foundation is needed to begin the process.
In order to face the host of challenges, a proper foundation must first be built, including:
Complete and accurate data for electric and gas distribution and transmission networks.
Modeling software to simulate both electricity and gas networks.
Common ground for developing integrated planning expertise.

SAInt gives organizations a foundation to overcome their electrification challenge.
SAInt is a foundation for the electrification of gas customers. It gives organizations the ability to assess the important areas of cost, value, and risk. With capabilities in electric and gas network integration and visualization combined with an expert team, the physical and economic challenges can be answered easily. Only then can companies begin to move forward toward electrification.
The Details
The energy industry looks to the electrification of gas customers to help meet carbon emission reduction goals, reduce gas system maintenance costs, and increase the use of renewable energy sources.
In order to begin the process of electrification, companies must first build a foundation around the data, tools, and expertise required. encoord's software SAInt creates a foundation for organizations to:
Leverage high-quality, expertly cleaned, and processed distribution and transmission data for gas and electric networks
Integrate the data from gas and electric networks into one platform
Model and analyze the results of various electrification scenarios to better understand the integrated impacts
Quantify the cost, value, and risks of electrification while considering regulations, system constraints, and incentives
Once this foundation is built, organizations can begin to look at the process of electrification, knowing they stand on solid ground. With total transparency into the physical and economic realities of electrification, they can then move forward with their planning processes confidently.
Want to learn more about how SAInt can help you electrify gas customers? Contact Us

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