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SAInt 3.3: The Future of Thermal Network Modeling

Brandon Sisson


SAInt 3.3 Blog

SAInt 3.3: The Future of Thermal Network Modeling

encoord has recently released SAInt version 3.3, which adds some exciting new features and improvements. A major added feature is the addition of thermal network modeling and the ability to plan thermal, electricity, and gas networks in a single platform.

"With the addition of the thermal network model, SAInt has become the first commercial software application that enables the modeling and planning of electricity, gas, and thermal networks in a single integrated platform using a common architecture and workflow. Network planners can now seamlessly plan across these critical infrastructures without the need of using three separate tools that were not designed to interact with one another. This will increase the efficiency of modeling processes, enhance the communication between different planning teams and improve the overall accuracy of simulation results."

- encoord CTO Kwabena Pambour

Thermal Network Model (TNET)

Prior to this release, modeling the interdependencies of thermal, gas, and electricity networks required separate modeling tools which were not designed to exchange information or interact with one another. With the new thermal network model, SAInt can now run steady state simulation of district heating networks while considering the impact on electricity and gas networks. Some of the features of the TNET include:

  • Modeling of both the supply (hot) and return (cold) pipeline system of the thermal network.

  • Simultaneous solving of the hydraulic and thermal equations governing the physical behavior of the thermal network.

  • Modeling of multiple heat sources using participation factors for balancing total heat demand and heat losses.

  • Detailed results for hot and cold side temperatures and nodal pressures.

New objects included with the release of SAInt 3.3:

Pumped Hydro Storage and Electric Prosumer Objects

Previously, pumped hydro storage was modeled using a HydroGenerator (HGEN) object. This release adds a new PumpedHydroStorage (PHSTR) object that will automatically replace the HGEN objects for modeling pumped hydro storage. Another new object is the ElectricProsumer (EPS) object, which enables bidirectional power flow at nodes with the ability to inject and extract electric power from the system.

Other new features:

  • Four new scenario event parameters for modeling minimum downtime between discharging and charging modes for electric storage and pumped hydro storage.

  • Custom piecewise linear segmentation of fuel consumption curves for fuel generators.

  • Define costs for the provision of ancillary services by a generator or storage and costs of charging and discharging electric storage and pumped hydro storage.

Want to learn more about thermal network modeling or how SAInt can help plan for the energy future? Contact Us

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